Info setting up the midibox 16 (e) to control the cubase SX

MidiBox16.xml Ver 0.1


First you need to specify in which ports the midibox is connected. At the picture below you can see the MIDI Input, Output assigned to Roland serial. You have to select the appropriate.

You have to copy the file MidiBox16.xml to the directory Cubase SX\Scripts\Remote and then imported with the import button.



You need of course a Midibox J

You need the firmaware 1.9xx

All the controls have been assigned from cc#0 to CC#15 therefore you need a bank of the midibox with those controls (by default Thorsten has assigned those controls to Bank 1)

By using the Generic remote, you can select 12 different assignments

Volumes for Audio 1 to 16

Volumes for Audio 17 to 32

The 16 busses. Note Cubase assigns the VST instruments between audio channels and busses so when you adding VSTi’s there occupy the first faders on this configuration


          Eg- Sends the 4 eq (gain freq quality) plus the 4 first sends

          1st Insert The first VST Effect (VST’s are automated DX are not)

          2nd Insert the second VST Effect

          3rd Insert The Third VST Effect

          4th Insert The Fourth VST Effect etc…

The VST Inst 1 is not yet implemented so if anyone have any ideas how to automate VST instruments will be very nice to hear from him.


The cubase setup file: MidiBox16.xml








Home of the MidiBox @ by Thorsten Klose